Saturday 12 July 2014


You can’t abstain from sending nonverbal messages to others; nonetheless it is conceivable to prepare yourself to send right ones. There are different kinds of gestures which are very important for people to learn when they are immigrant in some other country.

The perfect sign generally means everything’s good except in France it means nothing, in German it has impolite significance and in Japan it’s an image of cash. The thumbs up sign should also be used very carefully when meeting culturally different people. It usually means okay but in Middle Eastern countries, Australia and Nigeria it has rude or abusive meaning whereas it means five in Japan and political rightist gathering in Turkey. In USA people use their index finger to point out someone on the other side it means rude in Japan they point out someone with their whole hand. People from Germany use their little finger for pointing someone. The last hand signal is abnormal finger, in japan it is a vulgar motion whereas in Malaysia and Yugoslavia it is used to call animals. In Australia and Indonesia it is utilized to motion whores.

This video describe the meaning of all hand gestures in different cultures –

The investigation of nonverbal cues and its translation around the globe is valuable to all. As you keep on giving careful consideration to the nonverbal cues and indicators you send and get, your ability to communicate better will improve.

Tuesday 8 July 2014


We may believe that nonverbal communication is same all over the world however it’s not. Every culture has its own separate set of gestures and facial expressions. Some gestures may be same in two countries but it may mean something different in another country. Americans usually look directly in to the other person eyes when talking or passing. In American culture proper eye contact is the sign of confidence and also shows the other person’s interest in conversation however in some Asian countries it is the sign of disrespect. People in Japan, Africa, Latin America and Caribbean avoid eye contact to show respect. In Middle East if you pass an object to another person with your left hand is always mean rude.


  • ·   Your hands in the pocket during conversation is sign of       disrespect in turkey
  • ·   It is offensive if you are sitting by crossing your legs in Turkey and Ghana
  • ·   Slouching is rude in almost all parts of northern Europe
  • ·   German people use their little finger to point out someone and Japanese use their whole hand.
  • ·   Handshakes, kisses, hugs are common in American culture however this is not allowed in Islamic culture
  • ·   Head nodding is common in Asian culture
  • ·   Japanese people stand far apart when talking with each other whereas in Latin America and Arab it shows that the other person is not interested in conversation

We may be existing in global world but nonverbal communication in different countries shows such radical contrast that you may get the inclination that we are from distinctive planet. You must understand these differences if you are immigrant in some other country.


Tuesday 1 July 2014


TOUCH we impart through touch consistently. A person should be alert when conveying a message through touch. It can be professional (handshake), affectionate (Kiss), threatening (push) or congratulatory (high five).touching can be self-focused or other-focused. Touch can hurt the person or it can make him comfortable. Researchers believe that touching is an important factor in child early stage. Touch also helps in delivering the emotions for example comforting someone by holding them.


·        - It helps in relieving pain and stress.
·        - It helps to comfort others as well as ourselves.
·        -  It helps in creating bond with others.

SPACE -   Our comfort level around individuals is influenced by distance and space. We all need our own personal space for example you will not feel comfortable if someone is standing very close to you during the conversation.
Spaces or Distances are classified in to four categories:
·  Intimate distance – this distance is 11/2 feet. It include comforting, protection, wrestling and lovemaking 
·  Personal distance – this distance is 11/2 to 4 feet.
·  Social distance – this distance is 4 to 12 feet.
·  Public distance – this distance is 12 to 25 feet or farther.

CLOTHING - clothing represent your culture, interests, authority, age, sexual identity, values, mood and level of confidence. Different countries have its own dress norms whereas western clothing has been accepted by all cultures. Clothing has social importance with different expectations and rules depending up on occasion and circumstance. For example men business attire includes shirt, pant, tie, coat and formal shoes


Wednesday 11 June 2014


There are different types of Nonverbal signals and cues to communicate with others.

·       Postures – people views are influenced by the way we sit, walk or hold our head. There are different types of postures and including legs spread, arm crossing, towering shoulder forward and slouching. It helps to determine other person involvement or attention in communication process. People often change their posture according to the situation
·     Facial expressions – human face has lot of expressions. They reveal person true feelings in particular situation. Facial expressions are used to convey happiness, sadness, anger, disgust, surprise, desire, excitement confusion and fear.

·    Gestures – A gesture is a particular body movement that strengthens a verbal message or passes a thought or feeling. Gestures permit people to convey mixture of sentiments and contemplations. Gestures help to clarify and dramatize your ideas. It also helps to stimulate audience participation. Meaning of gestures is different among different cultures across world
·     Eye contact – eye contact is one of the most important type of non-verbal communication. The way one person look at another person communicates many things, which includes attraction, affection, hostility and interest. Eye contact is also important in keeping up the stream of discussion. for instance it is normal for two strangers strolling towards each other to make an eye contact, smile and even say "Hi".


Thursday 5 June 2014


Good communication is the foundation of successful relationships. Nonverbal skills consist of all the messages other than the words. When we communicate with people we receive and give wordless signals which are known as nonverbal communication. It includes tone of voice, body postures, facial expressions, pauses and eye contact. The ability to understand nonverbal skills helps you to live easily in diverse cultural environment. It helps in building better relations at workplace. The five roles that nonverbal communication cues can play are Repetition (repeating the message), Contradiction (contradict a message), Substitution (substitute for verbal message), Complementing (complement a verbal message) and Accenting (underline a verbal message).

The way you tune in, look, move and respond tells the other individual about your personality. When your nonverbal signals match up with the words you're saying they increase clarity, rapport and trust. When they don't they generate confusion, mistrust and tension. When a person gives speech it also has nonverbal elements such as pitch, volume, voice quality, rate, speaking style, rhythm and stress. Nonverbal skills include the process of encoding and decoding. Nonverbal communication can never be fake. As more you will pretend to fit in the situation, it will make you unnatural. This is because you can't control all the signals you are sending to another person.